A way to experience and examine a creative journey as it unfolds
Through observation and candid interviews, we document artists’ creative endeavors as they unfold moment by moment, week by week. We capture the technical developments, thought processes, emotional struggles, and life experiences affecting the evolution of their current projects. By illuminating these dynamics, we can better understand the process of creation and the context within which we, artists and non-artists, create.
First came our book, Portrait of an Artistic Journey: The Creative Process in Real Life Context, in which we examined the myriad external challenges and internal struggles that impact the process of bringing a creative idea to fruition. Using Jonathan and his RDT dancers as our “case study,” we documented the influences that shaped the evolution of Jonathan’s work, “In Violent Circles: The Rite of Spring.”
Now we are taking our study of the creative process to the NEXT LEVEL! We’re sharing Jonathan’s ongoing creative journey with the artistic community – IN REAL TIME!
JOIN US in the studio as we experience and make meaning of Riedel Dance Theater’s newest initiative, Second Story Dance Project—a collective of seasoned dance professionals who, after starting families, have created a unique environment in which they develop new works while simultaneously caring for their children. Called “creating while caregiving,” their groundbreaking approach enables dancers and choreographers to remain connected to their art while nurturing their families.
And that's not all! We’ve EXPANDED our investigation of the creative process into the theatrical realm to incorporate the artistic endeavors of director Allie Kay Dakers.
Just as we have followed the progress of Jonathan’s dance initiatives, so, too, will we capture the dynamics of Allie’s theatrical projects.
COME INTO THE ROOM with this talented artist as we “process the process”!
ALLIE KAYE DAKERS, a versatile theater veteran with years of experience as an actor, director, teacher, and producer, created and runs an innovative, process-oriented theater arts program for middle school children. JOIN US as we highlight Allie’s artistic journey, manifested in the evolution of this original endeavor.
Process in Real Time Expands into the Business World! We are delighted that Anthony Mangone, owner of Trattoria 632 in Purchase, NY, has joined our Process in Real Time team of creators to explore the development of a sole-proprietor-owned retail business. Our collaboration provides insight into the internal struggles and external circumstances that shape the creation of a thriving restaurant business. As we “process the process” in our videocasts, Sherri and Anthony illuminate the constantly shifting context within which the sole proprietor operates. While on the surface, the performing arts and business environments may seem worlds apart, the underlyingdynamics are very similar. Essentially, Jonathan, Allie and Anthony are all artists --- they just create in different media.
Here’s what we can do together:
Watch rehearsal footage and video interviews and learn about the technical approaches and contextual elements that shape each evolving work.
Highlight the artists’ psychological, emotional, and creative influences.
Share our observations and interpretations as each process unfolds.
Identify and understand the day-to-day logistical dynamics that impact each creative process.
Capture collaborative efforts to flesh out an artistic vision and bring it to life.
FOLLOW US and get a vivid sense of how works of art – and their creators – develop over time.
Here we will share the in-depth analyses of each process. Look for details of the artists’ technical approaches to their work, expressions of their psychological landscape, and descriptions of the internal and external factors influencing each journey. All of these insights and experiences -- IN REAL TIME!
Love the arts? Send us your ideas, interpretations, and questions in the comments section of our blog. In this way, we can start a conversation and experience a true collaboration!
Want to follow the process but don’t always have time for in-depth analysis? Come track the artists’ career trajectories and the unfolding of their work on our Facebook page! Look for footage of rehearsals and interviews summarizing the technical, psychological, and external influences impacting the way each work progresses.
Calling all creative souls! Join our process by sharing your insights and reactions in the comments section of our Facebook page. This vehicle offers us another way to collaborate!
Let’s collectively make meaning of these artists’ processes by illuminating the fluid contexts in which they create.